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Checheng, Pingtung

National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (NMMBA) is an institution dedicated to public education and research of marine biology. Besides aquarium exhibitions, the museum also aims for survey, collection, preservation and study of marine organisms around Taiwan. In addition to basic scientific research, NMMBA strives for the development of marine biotechnology and related products as well. In the meantime, National Dong Hwa University has proposed the School of Marine Science in the Planning Book when the university was founded. Because of tight financial status of the government in the recent years, both institutions seek to utilize the limited available resources in a more efficient way. Indeed, the Ministry of Education has been encouraging integral consolidation of human resources and facilities among universities and academic institutions. NMMBA and the University consequently cooperated to establish the School of Marine Science in 2004, and began recruiting graduate students in 2005. With the superior facilities, numerous Ph.D.-level research fellows, and remarkable academic achievements of NMMBA, the School of Marine Science is of the potential to become a top academic institution dedicated to marine biology research. Although NMMBA and Dong Hwa University joint together to establish the School, both institutions still retain their own organizational independence and respective academic system. We believe that the School of Marine Science will make significant contribution to the fulfillment of national marine strategies, development of marine biotechnological industries, advance of marine biology research, and training of professionals in this field in Taiwan.

Checheng, Pingtung
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